Our Approach
Our focus is to inspire, realize, and spread the significant, enduring advances in health and health care that our clients seek and our society needs. We work together to chart a path forward, developing insights, crafting strategy, achieving transformation, and delivering results. Locally, nationally, and internationally, we aim to be a trusted advisor and are committed to doing right by our clients and partners, those they serve, and our communities. More→
Our Perspectives
Information for health
Empower patients, connect services, make care safer, and improve productivity with effective use of digital solutions.
Advancing health & Care
Better health, better care, and better value: achieving the quadruple aim and more.
What's New
PAPER: Opportunities for Action Towards a Sustainable Health System
PRESENTATION: The ‘Now Normal’: Transitions in Health Services During and Beyond the Pandemic (slides)
PRESENTATION: Power and Peril: How Information and Informatics are Shaping Pandemic Response
BLOG & BRIEFING DOCUMENTS: Cybersecurity in Health: Six Actions You Can Take Today